Now that the Dragon roller coaster is part of Harry Potter's world it makes it a little more difficult to run over and take a quick while I was killing time waiting for them to let me into Hogsmeade I thought it would be fun to take pictures of the kids getting splashed at Jurassic Park. The thing is...I kind of rushed in without scouting things out and ended up in the splash zone...and yes this means I got wet, and yes my camera got wet. Luckily the camera only seemed to have some drops of water on the outside so I quickly dried it off and went back to shooting from a safer location. Later in the day I noticed there was a haze in the lens and started freaking out...fortunately it seems to have dried out.
This is the shot that 'soaked' me...

And a couple more for fun.
Here it comes...

and you're wet!

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